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PaxPortal Settings
PaxFlow Customer Support avatar
Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

Customer Portal settings on PaxPortal through admin panel.

When you have logged into click on "PaxPortal" and then click on "Customer portal settings"

There are a few settings you can adjust under Customer portal settings, lets take a better look at them:

Timezone and Language.

This is adjusted in your Bokun account. It´s in settings under Company - Global settings.


Under rescheduling you can choose to allow rescheduling on tours in PaxPortal and you can adjust the cutoff time on rescheduling. You can allow rescheduling before arrival and on resold bookings or disable it with a simple switch of the toggle buttons. Make sure to adjust the Cut-off time according to your company policy. Once you are happy with your settings click on "Save" and a Success message will appear on the top right corner.

Cancellation Requests.

Here you can set the default cancellation request settings on the PaxPortal for all products and departures. You can allow/deny cancellation requests on PaxPortal, its also possible to only allow/deny cancellation requests on resold bookings. Tou can Enable or disable it with a simple switch of the toggle buttons. Make sure to adjust the Cut-off time according to your company policy. Once you are happy with your settings click on "Save" and a Success message will appear on the top right corner.

Waivers by WaiverForever.

PaxFlow integrates with WaiverForever. You need to create an API key in your waiver forever account - just click on the Generate New Application Key button, fill in the App Name and App Description and click on "Create".

Then copy the API key into your Waivers settings and make sure to Enable the connection before clicking on the "Save" button. A Success message will then appear on the top right corner.


You can display passengers tickets on PaxPortal. It's possible to show all tickets or you can choose to not display tickets for resold bookings but show all other tickets for instance. You can also hide all tickets, this is easily done by enabling or disabling with the toggle switch. Once you are happy with your settings click on "Save" and a Success message will appear on the top right corner.


With this feature you can allow/deny Pickup location changes on the PaxPortal. It´s possible to allow pickup changes for all locations or only for paid pickup. This is done by Enabling/Disabling the feature by with the toggle switch. Once you are happy with your settings click on "Save" and a Success message will appear on the top right corner.

Embed Booking Widget.

Here you can display Booking Widgets from Bokun. To start off you need to create a Product page in Bokun, you do so by going to Sales tools - Booking widgets - Choose Product page and create your widget with your experiences (Products). Once you have created your widget click on the "Generate embeded code" button and to Embed the booking button you need to click on the "Copy Embed Code" button displayed below.

Now you just need to paste this code into the Embed Code feild in PaxFlow and click on the "Save" button. A Success message will appear on the top right corner.

You can also click on the "Show preview" button to see your widget before setting it live:

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