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Product Settings
PaxFlow Customer Support avatar
Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

Product settings allow you to customize various aspects of your services. These settings help tailor the tour offerings to better meet customer needs, streamline operations, and enhance the overall experience for both customers and staff.​​


Log into Click on "Settings" and then click on "Products"

Product Overview

Next you want to click on "Actions" and then click on "View Product Settings"

Product detail in Product Settings

Here we can see the product settings for the "Northern Lights Tour". In these settings you can see departure times of the tour and you can adjust settings for PaxPortal, Tickets, Pickup, Rescheduling, Cancellation requests, Waivers by WaiverForever and Embed booking widgets.

Adjusting Tickets and Pickup in PaxPortal

Below you can see PaxPortal and you can choose to have this tour visable in PaxPortal or hide it by sliding the toggle on or off and click on "Save" to save your changes.

We can also see Tickets, you can choose to display all tickets on PaxPortal, or you can choose to Disable ticket of resold bookings for instance. To do so slide the toggle on or off and click on "Save" to save your changes.

At the bottom you can see Pickup. You can choose to allow changes to all pickups on PaxPortal, or you can choose to Disable changes of sold pickup for instance. To do so slide the toggle on or off and click on "Save" to save your changes.

Rescheduling and Cancellation Requests

It´s also possible to Enable or Disable Rescheduling on PaxPortal.To do so slide the toggle on or off and click on "Save" to save your changes. You also need to make sure to choose the cut off time for rescheduling, below 1 hour before departure has been chosen.


If you want to display waivers on the PaxPortal you need to set up a WaiverForever account. Click here to learn how to connect WaiverForever with PaxFlow. To enable waivers on this tour just click on the minus (highlighted) on the waiver you want to add.

Adding Booking Widgets

To add booking widgets for Upsell/Cross sell on your PaxPortal, copy your booking widget from Bokun in the text field below and make sure to add a Heading. Click on "Show preview" to see what your widget will look like.

And here you can see a preview of your booking widget. Click on "Close".

Reset to Default settings

If you are not happy with the changes you have made to your product settings you can always click "Reset to Defaults" to get the default settings back.

A pop up window will appear, click on "Reset" to get the default settings back.

A Succsess message will appear and your settings are back to default.

Accessing Product settings from Product Code

Lets look at how to access the product settings from product codes. Click on "Products"

Searching for a Product

You can search for the tour you want to access in the search field.

Here we have searched for the Fire and Ice tour. Click "FIRE-DEMO"

Here we can see the Product Settings for the Fire and Ice tour.

Booking Widgets on PaxPortal

Let´s add a Booking Widget for that tour, copy your widget from Bokun, add a Heading and click on "Save"

Then your widget should appear on the PaxPortal.

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