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The PaxPortal (legacy)
PaxFlow Customer Support avatar
Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a year ago

PaxPortal is a private page designed to provide all the information and services required by an customer at one place. It is easy to use, private and secure. PaxPortal allows the customers to manage their bookings on their own, update contact information, make payments etc.


The following features are provided to the customers through the PaxPortal:

  • Manage bookings - Customers can reschedule booking dates and departures

  • Modify pickup location

  • Add special requests

  • Contact customer support team

  • Make payments for the tours, if not already done.

  • Download tickets

  • Update contact information

  • Request cancellations

Login and Layout

PaxFlow uses booking numbers and passenger information to allow customers to login into their portals. Go to the customer portal URL and enter booking number and the email id or full name of the passenger for verification. Click Open my booking button.

The PaxPortal shows up. The top of the page shows the customer contact details. All activities in a booking are shown after that. Alert messages related to the bookings, if any are shown on top of the activity bookings.

Update customer contact details

The contact number and email id of the customer are shown at the top of the page. Click the Change button to edit any of the two fields. On clicking the button, the field changes to a textbox. Enter the new values and click Save.

The information is then saved and pushed to the booking system in the background. This might take some time and the updated information might not be displayed until some minutes afterwards. But it is saved.

Manage Bookings

All the activities in the booking are shown in PaxPortal.

Following fields of a booking are shown for each activity below the cover photo:

  • Activity Title: Name or title of the tour

  • Number of passengers: Total count of the passengers booked for the tour.

  • Date: Pickup date and time

  • Pickup From: Pickup location

  • Show on Map: Pick up location on map

  • Ticket: Download the ticket

  • Request cancellation: Your customer can request a cancellation. An email will be sent to you with all information about the customer and the booking.

  • Activity booking number: This is the identifier of the activity booking. It is shown at the bottom of the tour.

Change date and departure time

Selecting Change next to the date field opens a calendar. Selecting a date displays all departures of the day and whether they have enough free seats for the amount of passengers in the booking. Select an available option and click Reschedule. After some moments a success message will be displayed which means the action was successfully pushed to the booking system. The date and time are only updated after refreshing the page. In case you decide not to change the date after all simply click the Close button to hide the calendar again.

Look up and edit pickup information

Information and options regarding pickup locations are only displayed in case pickup is available for an activity and enabled in the rate the activity booking was made on. Meeting Point information is neither displayed nor can be looked up on a map.

Show on a map: Links to Google Maps and shows the exact pickup location there. The coordinates are fetched from the connected booking system and need to be set up there.

Confirm this pickup: This button is shown if the pickup location provided in the booking is not confirmed yet. In this case, click this button to confirm the pickup location.

Change pickup location: This provides an option to the customer to modify the pickup location for the tour. On Clicking this button, a list of preset pickup locations for the tour are listed. The customer can select any location and click Yes, that's it! to confirm the location.

Download Ticket

The current version of the ticket can be downloaded by clicking the Ticket button.

Request cancellation

Customers can request the cancellation of their activities. This is a quick and simple way to communicate this issue to the operator.

Customer gets a confirmation, the cancellation request has been sent.

This action will send an email to the operator to inform them about the cancellation request.

The request cancellation option is enabled per default and can be enabled in the PaxPortal Settings if it's not yet.

Special Assistance Needs

A customer can request for special assistance while on a tour. To do so, check the appropriate checkboxes.

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