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Passenger List
PaxFlow Customer Support avatar
Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago


The Passenger List page in the Admin application gives an overview of the passengers of different tours for the selected day. It lists the booking summary of the passengers, the pickup and drop-off points, vehicle numbers etc. The following sections explain the different fields and features on the Passenger List page in detail.

Select Bookings on the left hand side bar and navigate to Passengers.

Departure group filter: The data shown on this page can also be filtered to display a limited set of tours using the departure groups in the system. To show a selected group of tours, click the Filter icon on the top of the page and select the departure group. Only the tours associated with the selected departure group will be shown in the Passenger list.

Note if the data shown in the passenger list is filtered, the filter icon will be shown in blue.

The Passenger List user interface is divided into two sections - the left panel and the right panel. There are multiple widgets on both the panels to display information and perform different operations.

Left Panel Widgets

Date Selector

This calendar widget is used to select the date for which the passenger list is to be shown in the right panel.

The different intensity of the green color indicates the amount of bookings on a day compared to other days of the same month.

Button vs. Full Note

If there are any "Operational notes for the office" related to the booking, there will be a button in the booking record as a button as shown here. Click the button to view or update the notes.

If the "Full note" option is selected, any operational notes for the office are directly shown in the booking record as shown below.

Refresh Settings - These are the data reload settings.

Status and Messages refresh: This is the frequency at which the passenger status (like Picked up, Dropped off or No Show) and messages are refreshed in the system. You can set the refresh frequency to 3 seconds or 10 seconds.

Note that if the refresh time is set to 3 seconds and the user moves to another page on the application or the application is idle for sometime, the refresh frequency automatically changes back to 10 seconds.

Force refresh from Bókun - Click this button to reload the passenger information from the back end booking system for your application. This ensures that the data shown in the right panel is up-to-date and in-sync with Bókun.

Jump back in time - This button is used to show the status of the booking list for a particular day on the selected date and time. This is a history tool and is used to see the booking status for the present day tours in the past.Click this button, provide a date and time in the past and click Start time travel.

Tours and Pickup - This section displays the list of all the pickups and tours in two tabs. The tours and the pickups are displayed by their departure times. If a filter is applied, only the selected tours and pickups are shown. Total number of passengers and the No Show passengers, if applicable, are also shown with each tour or pickup.

When the Tours tab is selected, the data in the right panel is displayed according to the departures of the day. On the other hand, if the pickup tab is selected, the right panel shows data according to the pickups assignments of the day.

Right Panel

When the view is shown according to the tours of the day, all the tours are listed by their departure times as shown in the figure below.

The first line of each group gives an overview of the departure time of all the tours listed underneath.

Departure Time - Departure time of the activities

Passenger Count - The total of passengers in all the tours with the given departure time are shown at the end of this line. The total count of other ticket categories than Adults are shown in different colors. If there are any No Show passengers marked already, then the count of No show passengers is also shown in red color.

The next line shows tour specific information like the tour code, name of the tour, tour vehicle, total number of passengers etc.

Tour Code - Code/Identifier for the given tour

Tour Name - Title for the given tour

Assigned resources for this departure - Displays the resources which are assigned to this departure of the activity such as vehicle and staff.

Go to pickup assignment - This is used to assign passengers to different resources for pickup.

Go to tour assignment - Here are passengers assigned to tour resources.

Cancel this departure - This is used to cancel the tour. If the tour is cancelled, a mass cancellation mail can sent to all the customers of the tour.

Mass mail this departure - This button is used to send a mass mail to all the passengers of the activity. The existing email templates are shown in a drop down list. Choose a template to create a mass mail and send to the passengers of the tour.

Handbook - In case there are any documents associated with a particular departure, then the Handbook button also appears in this line. Click this button to see the list of all the documents and click any document to view its contents.

Under the tour details line, all the booking records are listed for that tour. Each booking record shows the following fields and buttons.

Pickup and Drop-off information - The location from where the passenger is to be picked up and to be dropped off after the tour. Click the pickup location to view or modify the details of the pickup and drop off locations and resources.

Pickup and tour resources - The resources a booking is assigned to for pickup and the activity. In case a different pickup assistance vehicle is to be used for pickup of the customer, both the vehicles are indicated as shown, where the first is the pickup vehicle and the second one is the tour vehicle number.

Number of passengers - Count of the total number of passengers (includes children, infants and seniors) in the booking. The total count is shown in grey color. If there are any other ticket categories in this booking, then that count is shown in different color.

Booking Name - Name under which the booking is made. Click this field to enter the Single booking view.

Phone number in the booking - Contact number of the customer. If the contact number is not available, it is shown as "missing". Click this field to add or edit the contact number and Save.

Send ticket - This button opens the Send Ticket interface from which an email can be sent to the customer by using templates.

Notes - This gives an option to add different notes for the booking. Click Edit Notes to edit any notes. if there are any existing notes, they are listed in the notes drop down menu and the menu itself is shown in blue color (or green in case a note was added through the enroute application).

Booking Status - This gives the current state of the booking and any changes made to the booking in the past. It also gives an option to mark the passengers in the booking as Arrived, Dropped Off, No Show or Not Set. The whole sequence of booking status changes is listed below along with the timestamp of the change and the user who changed the status.

Payment Status - This gives the payment status for the booking. The mouse hover over indicates the remaining payment to be done, if any. This field is also color coded for easy identification.

  • Not Paid: When the payment is not done at all.

  • Paid in Full: When the payment is completely done for a booking

  • Deposit: When the payment is partially done i.e. only an initial deposit amount is paid.

  • Invoiced: When the payment is taken by a third party which will be invoiced for the booking

  • Overpaid: When the paid amount is higher than the total price of the booking (if enabled in settings)

Additional options - This gives general information about the booking like the booking id, channel, booking date etc. It also gives a few other options as discussed below.

Exclude email from review follow up - If this option is selected, this email address will never be listed on the Review Follow-Up Automation email list.

Book another tour - Use the customer information and create another booking for the same customer as shown below. Refer this article for more details.

Open customer portal - This opens the booking in PaxPortal.

Pickup View

When the Pickup option is selected in the left panel, the data in the right panel is grouped by the departure times of different groups. The booking records are further grouped by the pickup vehicles. The fields in the booking records are same as that in the tour view.

If there are any special requests in the booking like wheelchair requirement etc, those are also indicated in the booking record as shown below.

If you have activated pickup times per location on your Bókun account you'll see the times on the pickup view.

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