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Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

Settings in PaxFlow

In our settings tab you will find four different types of settings:

Below is a step by step guide on how to access them.

Navigate to or click on "Settings" on the main menu on the right.

Under the settings tab there are 4 options, Users, Subscription & Billing, Message settings and Products. Let´s have a quick look at them all.


Start by clicking on "Users"

Under Users you will find all the users you have added into PaxFlow and their role. Next lets click on "Subscription & Billing"

Subscription & Billing

On the Subscription & Billing page you can see your Account Details, Plans and Billing. Next let´s click on "Message settings"

Message Settings

In Message settings you can see E-mail settings, SMS settings and Remaning Quotas. Finally let´s click on "Products"

Product Settings

Under Product settings you can see all of your products synced from Bokun. You can adjust there what products you want to show in the PaxPortal and what products you allow rescheduling on.

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