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Cancel a Departure
Cancel a Departure
PaxFlow Customer Support avatar
Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

Cancelling a Departure from Departures overview.

Cancelling a departure can sometimes be necessary due to unforeseen circumstances or changes in plans. In this guide, we'll walk you through the simple steps to cancel a departure from your departures overview with these easy to follow along steps below.

2. Start off by clicking on "Departures" on the left hand side bar.

3. Then click on "Overview"

4. Find the tour you want to Cancel in the Departure overview and on click on the "Actions" button

5. Click "Change Status"

6. In Change status click on "Cancelled"

7. If you want to E-mail og SMS the passengers in this departure click the "Notify Customer Manually?" field.

8. Select the message template you want to use and the click on "Next"

9. You can make adjustments to the template as needed. If you already have a pre made template that does not need to be altered click on "Next"

10. Now you should see a list of all passengers you from that departure that will receive the E-mail. make sure to click "Send"

11. And now you can see that this departure has been cancelled.

12. You can also cancel a departure through the departure passenger list. To do so click on the tour product code.

13. In the right hand side corner, click on "Actions"

14. And then click "Change status"

15. In Change status click on "Cancelled"

16. And then click on "Change status" if you don´t need to notify passengers via E-mail or SMS

17. And then you have successfully Cancelled your departure from the departure list.

And now you should know how to cancel departures.

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