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Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

The article covers the following topics:

  • Overview

  • View Templates

  • Add Template

  • Edit Template

  • Delete Template


Email templates are reusable pre-formatted generic emails which can be automatically customized by replacing the variables.

  • Email templates save time and efforts

  • Keep the emails uniform across users and features.

View email templates

To view the existing email templates, go to the Settings and click Templates. It lists the name of the email templates along with the modules for which they are enabled.

Add a new email template

To add a new email template, click the Add template button above the list of templates. Enter the details of the new template to be created and click Save.

Helpful variables for the email template can be found here.

Following table describes the fields to set up a new template. Some fields might not appear depending on the email integration enabled.

Template Name

Name or title of the template


Description about the usage of the template

Used in Send Ticket Module

Select Yes, if the template can be used in Send Ticket Module

Used in Mass Mailing Module

Select Yes, if the template can be used for Mass Mailings

Ticket attachment

Select an appropriate option to attach the ticket to the email template

Body & Subject

Content of the email. Variables can be used to customize the content.

Editing and deleting of existing templates

To edit an existing template, click the Edit button against the name of the template to be edited. Edit the fields of the template and click Save. Refer the table above to understand the fields of a template.

To delete a template, click the Delete button against the name of the template to be deleted. Confirm the deletion request by clicking again Delete. The template will be deleted permanently.

Dynamic Codes

Dynamic codes or tags are placeholders used to customize the emails sent. These are variables which are replaced automatically in the subject and body of an email template with the actual values when the email is sent out. Find a list of all variables here.

Open Mail System Settings

This is used to go to the settings page of the mailing system used.

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