With help of variables it is possible to create email templates which pull information from different parts of PaxFlow.
To add an variable to a template put it into braces {variable}.
It's possible to apply some basic html formatting:
<b>bold</b> = makes the word appear bold.
<em>emphasis</em> = makes a word appear in italics.
It's also possible to add links to words:
<a href=https:://wwv.google.com/maps>Google Maps</a>
adds a link to the words "Google Maps"
And it's even possible to do all of that together:
<a href=https:://wwv.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query={pickup_place_gps_lat}%2C{pickup_place_gps_lon}><b>{pickup_place_title}</b></a>
adds a link with a search request in Google Maps for for the coordinates of the pickup location to the pickup location which is bold.
To add a link to the PaxPortal of a booking the variables {customer_portal_login_start} and {customer_portal_login_end} can be used.
Some useful variables:
{customer_portal_login_start}our customer portal{customer_portal_login_end}
More variables for bookings can be found by looking up activities in the Booking filter UI.
{tour_vendor_title} - Pickup for your {tour_title} is about to start now!
Dear {customer_name},
we will be coming and collecting you from {pickup_place_title} between {fleet_pickup.assistance_start} and {fleet_pickup.assistance_end}. Please wait <a href=https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query={pickup_place_gps_lat}%2C{pickup_place_gps_lon}>there</a> from {departure_time} and look for a {fleet_pickup.bus_description} with the number plate {fleet_pickup.bus_license_plate}. Your pickup driver's name is {fleet_pickup.driver_first_name} {fleet_pickup.driver_last_name}.
In case you need further information about your booking please visit {customer_portal_login_start}our customer portal{customer_portal_login_end}.
In case we will not be able to find you we will try to contact you by text and call at {customer_phone} and send an email to {customer_email}. Please monitor these channels carefully.
In case of last minute changes from your side please call us at +1234567890 immediately. Thank you!
Have a lovely day!