To cancel an existing tour, ensure that the tour is already marked as closed out in the booking system to be able to cancel it from PaxFlow. You can either go to PaxFlow Operations - Shifts & Availabilities or login directly to your booking system and close out the departure.
Select the departure you want to close out to open your booking system availability directly.
After the tour is marked as unavailable on a given day in the booking system, go to the Passenger List for the selected date and click Cancel button for the tour.
It displays the list of email templates for the email to be sent to the passengers after cancellation of the tour. Select the appropriate template. Provide a reason for cancellation and click Cancel this tour.
If the tour is successfully cancelled, the following message will be shown. In case, the system is integrated with some third party apps like Slack, Workplace by Facebook etc, then cancellation announcement can be made on those apps too.
After the cancellation is successfully done, click Proceed to mass-mailing button to send mass email to all the passengers booked on the tour.