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Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

In this section you can define operational time frames for different things.

Select the gear icon in the top right corner to see Timing on the side bar on your left hand side of the screen.

How many minutes does a shift start before a tour? (only appears when Sling Integration is enabled)

The timing of departure shifts might be different from the actual timing of the tour. Specify the time (in minutes) when the shift starts with respect to the tour.

How many minutes after a tour does a shift end? (only appears when Sling Integration is enabled)

The time (in minutes) after the tour when the shifts end.

How many minutes before tour start can a no show be to be included in the no show report?

This field will set the time with respect to the tour time (in minutes) when they can mark a passenger as No Show. This is useful when the driver is early to the pickup location.

After how many minutes should the no show timers be hidden?

Define the time (in minutes) since the beginning of the pickup after which the driver should not wait for the passengers in case, they are no shows.

From how many seconds should the no show timer start counting down?

Define the time (in seconds) after which the no show timer should start counting down when activated during a pickup.

Duration of a pickup assignment in minutes

Initial duration of a pickup assignment (in minutes). The duration can be amended during the assignment as well.

Duration of a drop-off assignment in minutes

Initial duration of a drop-off assignment (in minutes). The duration can be amended during the assignment as well.

After how many seconds should this be shown as inactive?

When enroute staff is logged in on the tablet app and are viewing a tour or pickup list, it is indicated in desktop Passengers with badges to see who is viewing what at the moment. This field is to set the time (in seconds) after this should be inactive.

After how many seconds should this be hidden?

This field is to set the time (in seconds) after which the enroute staff activities should be hidden from Passengers.

Some points to note:

  • PaxFlow pulls the information about tour duration from the connected backend booking system. Based on this value, shifts and assignments for tour departures are created.

  • Pickup is time critical and it is important that the tour does not get delayed because it takes longer that it is supposed to. When a passengers is marked as No Show, the back office is communicated about it automatically and a countdown timer begins (to wait further for a given amount of time). The back office can extend (with 30 second steps) or cancel the timer. The pickup driver should wait at the pickup location until the countdown has reached 0.

  • In case different departures are merged to one pickup group then the pickup start time is taken from the earliest time found within these departures. The drop-off start time of a departure is calculated by adding the tour duration to the start time of the departure. For drop-off groups, earliest drop-off start time is used. The tour duration is overwritten by the departure duration in the booking system.

  • In case no pickup time duration is defined in the booking system, the pickup starts at the departure time.

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