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Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

This section contains settings related to how the data is displayed in within PaxFlow.

Select the gear icon in the top right corner to see Display on the sidebar on your left hand side of the screen.


"Show bookings with more paid than invoiced as overpaid"

This means that bookings matching this criteria will be displayed as "Overpaid" instead of "Paid in full":

"Coloring rules for availabilities"

Define the rules of displaying availability for tours in different colors. Specify the number of available seats, total seats and the chosen color to be given for the combination:


This section covers settings which are used to view the passenger list data on the tablet application.

How many minutes before departure should the passenger list be visible on the tablets?

Time (in minutes) before the departure time to display the passenger list on the enroute application.

How many seconds after midnight should still yesterday's lists be shown instead of today's?

Time (in seconds) after midnight when the data for the day should be displayed on the enroute application.

Hide payment information in check-in desk

Hides the payment status on the check-in desk on the enroute application

Hide passengers without pickup location on pickup & drop-off lists

Hides bookings without pickup from pickup and drop-off lists


This section covers settings which are used to manage the items displayed in the phonebook.

You can define whether information is displayed or hidden by default and whether people can opt in or out their contact information. You can also decide how the names are displayed in Phonebook.

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