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Send SMS to PAX on a departure
Send SMS to PAX on a departure
PaxFlow Customer Support avatar
Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

Send Departure Updates Using SMS Messages

Sending SMS messages to passengers from departure level is easy and convenient with our message templates. Below are easy to follow steps on how to send SMS messages from a departure level.

2. Start off by clicking on "Departures" on the left hand side bar

3. Then click on "Overview"

4. On the departures list you can click on "Actions" on the right hand side of the tour you want to send SMS to passengers on.

5.6 en make sure to choose "SMS"

6. You can then select a template you want to send

7. Once you have found the template you want you send click "Next"

8. If you don´t need to make any adjustments to the template click on "Next"

9. Here you can select all the passengers or just the once you want to send the SMS to. In this case the passenger missed his pickup so we only select the one we want to send the message to and click "Send"

10. It´s also possible to send SMS messages from each tour, lets have a look at the Ice Cave Adventure tour by clicking on the product code for the tour.

11. In the departure detail we can see the passengers list. In the top right corner you can click on "Actions" to find the SMS templates.

12. Make sure to select "SMS"

13. You can then select a template you want to send

14. Once you have found the template you want you send click "Next"

15. If you don´t need to make any adjustments to the template click on "Next"

16. Here you can select all the passengers or just the once you want to send the SMS to. In this case the passenger is late for the tour so we only select the one we want to send the message to and click "Send"

Now you should be able to send SMS messages to your passengers.

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