Message Logs
PaxFlow Customer Support avatar
Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

Accessing Message Logs

Message Logs tracks all messages you have sent from your PaxFlow account. You can see on what date the message was sent, type of message that was sent; E-mail or SMS, who it was sent by and the status of the message; that is if it was sent or failed.

Let´s take a closer look at how to find the Message Logs.

2. Start off by clicking "Messages" on the left hand side bar.

3. Next click on "Message Logs"

4. Then you should see an overview of all the messages sent from your account

5. You can also see what messages have been sent to passengers - to do so click on "Departures"

6. And click on "Overview"

7. Open up the tour the passenger is booked in by clicking on the "plus" below the start time.

8. Then click on the booking number of the passenger you want to take a closer look at.

9. Click "Message Log"

10. And here you can see the messages that have been sent to this passenger.

And now you should know where to find the Message Logs.

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