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πŸ“± Lists
PaxFlow Customer Support avatar
Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

The List page shows the list of all the tours for the current day and corresponding pickup and drop off lists. It also shows the other activities planned for the user and for the vehicle in use. Following table shows the different lists shown on the page.

Lists all the pickup groups planned for the day.

Lists of all the departures for the day. If the pickup and drop-off for a departure is not included in any group, corresponding pickup and drop-off lists can also be accessed here.


This is a list of all the drop-off groups for different tours of the day.


Lists all the office employees available currently across different locations.

My Week

Lists all the activities planned for the logged in user for the week.

This Vehicle

Lists all the activities/ tasks planned for the vehicle for the week.

Note that if no data is available for any of the lists at the moment, corresponding list is not shown at all.

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