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Dashboards: Types
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Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

There are many different types of dashboards that a user can create using the PaxFlow application. These dashboards offer different types of templates for displaying various types of information. The following table summarizes the different types of dashboards.

  • Map: To show maps on the dashboard using the latitude and longitude coordinates

  • No Show: To display reports of passengers who did not show up for the tour

  • Office Shifts: To display shifts of the back office employees

  • Pickup progress: To display the progress of the pickup of the passengers for a tour

  • Resources: To display bookings, availability and shifts related information

  • Tasks: To display pending emails, unassigned shifts and pickup progress related information

  • URL: To display data from a web page

  • Unassigned Shifts: To display tours for which vehicles, drivers or guides are unassigned.

  • Pickup & Drop Off: To display the fleet used for pickup and drop off for different tours.

  • Wash Schedule: To display the cleaning schedule of the vehicles.


This is used whenever a map is to be shown on the dashboard. For example, to show the map of a tourist location where a particular tour is planned, this kind of dashboard can be created. The following dashboard shows the downtown map of a city.

This dashboard uses OpenStreetMaps. It shows a rectangular map given the coordinates of the top left and bottom right corners. It can be configured to show the list of vehicles and pickups from the most recent pickup of any tour. When the information displayed on the map like vehicles position is up-to-date,

Various configuration parameters are available to customize the data to be shown on the maps. The following table discusses the various fields used to create a Map type of dashboard.

  • Title: Title for the dashboard

  • Description: Description of the dashboard

  • Is active: Select 'Yes' if the dashboard is ready for use, else select 'No'.

  • Show Map from Longitude: Longitude value of the top left corner of the map to be shown

  • Show map from Latitude: Latitude value of the top left corner of the map to be shown

  • Show map to Longitude: Longitude value of the bottom right corner of the map to be shown

  • Show map to Latitude: Latitude value of the bottom right corner of the map to be shown.

  • Display most recent pickup locations: Set to 'Yes' if the last pickup locations are to be shown on the map. Each pickup point shows the number of passengers to be picked up from that location. The vehicles and pickup points are color-coded.
    Green - when the passengers from that location are successfully picked up.
    Black - when the passengers from the location are yet to be picked up.
    Red - when one or more passengers from the location have not shown up.

  • URL scheme for tiles (OpenLayers format): URLs that serve's map tiles. Check for reference.

  • Display vehicles in grey after how many seconds no update?: When a dashboard has up-to-date information about the vehicles, the vehicle icons on the map are shown in green. However, if there is no update for a given time, the vehicle icons are shown in grey.
    Enter the time (in seconds) after which the vehicle icons are changed to grey if there is no update from the backend.

  • Hide vehicles after how many seconds no update?: Enter the time (in seconds) after which the vehicle icons should be hidden on the map if there is no update from the backend.

  • Show statistics from the mail system: Select 'Yes' if you wish to see the mail statistics at the bottom of the dashboard.

  • Show urgent & pax lost emails from this mailbox: Select the mailbox from where the urgent and pax lost emails should be shown on the dashboard.

  • Show unassigned emails from those mailboxes: Choose one or more dashboards from where the unassigned emails should be shown on the dashboard.

  • Show booking statistics: Select 'Yes' if you wish to see the booking statistics on the dashboard.

  • Show overlay for pax lost emails (requires mail statistics to be turned on): Select 'Yes' if you wish to see an overlay for pax lost emails. Please note that this requires the mail statistics to be turned on for the associated account.

  • Custom message to be displayed on the dashboard: Message to be displayed on the top of the dashboard. By default, it is shown at the top center of the dashboard.

  • Custom CSS rules: Custom CSS, if needed, to change the look and feel of the dashboard.

The image below shows a sample Map type of dashboard which shows the recent pickups and vehicles for a tour. The green dot on the top right corner indicates that the data shown on the map is up-to-date. The bottom of the dashboard shows the booking data like a number of bookings in the last 1hr, 24 hrs, 7 days and overall bookings in the current month till the current date.

The vehicles are shown in black color with a fleet icon and the vehicle number. Every pickup point shown indicates the number of passengers to be picked up from that location. The passengers yet to be picked up are shown in grey color and the passengers successfully picked are shown in green. The no show passengers count is marked in red color on the map.

No Show

This dashboard is used to show no show data across tours for a given day. It mainly shows the following three types of data:

1. No Shows - Details of the passengers marked as 'No Show' for their tours.

2. Arrived after NO SHOW - Details of the passengers who arrived after they were marked as 'NO SHOW'.

3. Passengers removed from pickup - Details of the passengers who canceled or rescheduled their trip.

Additionally, the No Show dashboard can display booking details as well as data from the associated mailbox.

To create this type of dashboard, the following fields are used.

  • Title: Title to refer the dashboard

  • Description: Description about the usage of the dashboard

  • Is Active: Select Yes, if the dashboard is available for use

  • Date offset: The day for which No Show reports are to be generated. Use the offset values to select the day. For example, 0 for the current day, -1 for yesterday, -2 for two days ago

  • Show only some departures: Select a departure group you would like to display on this dashboard

  • Show statistics from the mail system: Select 'Yes' if the statistics from the associated mail system is to be shown on the dashboard.

  • Show urgent & pax lost emails from this mailbox: Select the mailbox from which the urgent and pax lost tagged emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show unassigned emails from those mailboxes: Select one or more mailboxes from which unassigned emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show booking statistics: Select 'Yes' if the booking statistics are to be shown on the dashboard. If selected, the bottom of the dashboard shows statistics like a total number of bookings in the last one hour, 1 day, 7 days etc.

  • Show overlay for pax lost emails (requires mail statistics to be turned on): Select 'Yes' if the urgent or pax lost email information is to be overlaid on other information on the dashboard.

  • Custom message to be displayed on the dashboard: Message to be displayed on the dashboard.

  • Custom CSS rules: Custom CSS, if needed, to change the look and feel of the dashboard.

The image below shows a sample No Show dashboard. In the following particular case, there are no No Shows. The details of the passengers who arrived after being marked as No Show are shown tour wise. Also the passengers who were initially shown in the pickup list but were later removed are shown at the end of the list. The contact number and passengers in each booking are shown with each record.

Pickup Progress

This dashboard shows the progress of the ongoing or the most recent pickup. The progress is shown in terms of the passengers picked up and the locations covered. Below is a sample pickup progress dashboard.

The green color in the passenger's list indicates the number of people successfully picked up, grey indicates the people yet to be picked up and red indicates the number of people who did not show up.

In the locations bar, green color indicates the number of pickup locations already covered, grey indicates the number of locations to be visited and yellow color indicates the location at which pickup is in progress.

The pickup progress is also shown according to the pickup buses and their drivers. Each such row shows the total number of locations a given pickup bus needs to visit. Green section of the bar indicates the number of locations already visited and the grey indicates the pickup locations yet to be visited.

In the figure shown above, at the given moment, out of the total 108 passengers, 37 are successfully picked up, 2 passengers did not show up and 69 are yet to be picked up.

To create a Pickup Progress dashboard, the following fields are used.

  • Title: Title to refer the dashboard

  • Description: Description about the usage of the dashboard

  • Is Active: Select Yes, if the dashboard is available for use

  • Show statistics from the mail system: Select 'Yes' if the statistics from the associated mail system is to be shown on the dashboard.

  • Show urgent & pax lost emails from this mailbox: Select the mailbox from which the urgent and pax lost tagged emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show unassigned emails from those mailboxes: Select one or more mailboxes from which unassigned emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show booking statistics: Select 'Yes' if the booking statistics are to be shown on the dashboard. If selected, the bottom of the dashboard shows statistics like a total number of bookings in the last one hour, 1 day, 7 days etc.

  • Show overlay for pax lost emails (requires mail statistics to be turned on): Select 'Yes' if the urgent or pax lost email information is to be overlaid on other information on the dashboard.

  • Custom message to be displayed on the dashboard: Message to be displayed on the dashboard.

  • Custom CSS rules: Custom CSS, if needed, to change the look and feel of the dashboard.

Office Shifts

This type of dashboard shows the shifts of various back-office employees of the organization. Such a dashboard helps the user know the shifts and the various people available at different locations at different times. The following figure shows a sample office shift dashboard. It lists the shifts of different people available in different locations on the given days.

Following fields are used to create an Office Shift type of dashboard.

  • Title: Title to refer the dashboard

  • Description: Description about the usage of the dashboard

  • Is Active: Select Yes, if the dashboard is available for use

  • Beginning of the date range this dashboard displays information from: Enter the starting day for which you wish to create the dashboard. For the current day, use a 0. All the other days are referred to with respect to the current day. For example, 1 for tomorrow, -1 for yesterday, -2 for two days ago and so on.

  • End of the date range this dashboard displays information from: Enter the number denoting the last day for which you wish to see the office shift information. For example, 2 indicates the day after tomorrow.

    If the above field is set to 0 and this field is set to 2, the dashboard will show the shifts for three days starting from today.

  • How many days should be shown in one row: This field defines the number of columns in a row where each column shows the shifts of different office members across locations on a given day.

  • Show statistics from the mail system: Select 'Yes' if the statistics from the associated mail system are to be shown on the dashboard.

  • Show urgent & pax lost emails from this mailbox: Select the mailbox from which the urgent and pax lost tagged emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show unassigned emails from those mailboxes: Select one or more mailboxes from which unassigned emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show booking statistics: Select 'Yes' if the booking statistics are to be shown on the dashboard. If selected, the bottom of the dashboard shows statistics like a total number of bookings in the last one hour, 1 day, 7 days etc.

  • Show overlay for pax lost emails (requires mail statistics to be turned on): Select 'Yes' if the urgent or pax lost email information is to be overlaid on other information on the dashboard.

  • Custom message to be displayed on the dashboard: Message to be displayed on the dashboard.

  • Custom CSS rules: Custom CSS, if needed, to change the look and feel of the dashboard.

Wash Schedule

This type of dashboard shows the forthcoming washing schedule for the vehicles. It shows the list of upcoming wash schedules and the vehicle numbers of vehicles scheduled for washing. For example, the figure shown below lists the vehicles to be cleaned at different times on a particular day.

Following table defines the various fields used to create a Wash Schedule dashboard.

  • Title: Title to refer the dashboard

  • Description: Description about the usage of the dashboard

  • Is Active: Select Yes, if the dashboard is available for use

  • Maximal number of entries: Maximum number of upcoming wash schedule entries to be shown in the list, with reference to the current time. For example, if this field is set to 3, next three impending cleaning schedules will be shown in the dashboard.

  • Show statistics from the mail system: Select 'Yes' if the statistics from the associated mail system is to be shown on the dashboard.

  • Show urgent & pax lost emails from this mailbox: Select the mailbox from which the urgent and pax lost tagged emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show unassigned emails from those mailboxes: Select one or more mailboxes from which unassigned emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show booking statistics: Select 'Yes' if the booking statistics are to be shown on the dashboard. If selected, the bottom of the dashboard shows statistics like a total number of bookings in the last one hour, 1 day, 7 days etc.

  • Show overlay for pax lost emails (requires mail statistics to be turned on): Select 'Yes' if the urgent or pax lost email information is to be overlaid on other information on the dashboard.

  • Custom message to be displayed on the dashboard: Message to be displayed on the dashboard.

  • Custom CSS rules: Custom CSS, if needed, to change the look and feel of the dashboard.


This type of dashboard is used to display the resources in use for tours on the selected days. It shows the booked and available seats on different tours, the buses, drivers and guides allocated to different tours and no shows on different tours. While creating the dashboard, you can choose to show all the information or show partial information on the dashboard.

For different days, the list of tours is shown in different columns. The guides, drivers and driver guides along with the vehicle numbers are indicated against the tour. For each tour, booked and available indicates the number of seats already booked and the number of seats available on the tour. If the tour is already over, the booked field is marked as CLOSED and any No Shows are shown in the available field(in red). The names of guides, drivers and driver guides are also color-coded to indicate their positions.

Guides - shown in orange color

Drivers - shown in red color

Driver guides - shown in pink color

  • Title: Name of the dashboard

  • Description: Description of the usage of the dashboard

  • Is Active: Select Yes, if the dashboard is available for use. Else, select No.

  • Beginning of the date range this dashboard displays information from: Beginning date for which data is to be displayed. This field is specified using relative numbers - 0 for current day, -1 for yesterday, 1 for tomorrow, 2 for day after tomorrow and so on.

  • End of the date range this dashboard displays information from: End date for which the data is to be displayed. Specify using relative numbers where 0 represents the current day.

  • Show available seats: Set to Yes if the column corresponding to the available and booked seats in each tour is to be shown in the dashboard. Else, set to No.

  • Hide availability column: Set to Yes, if only booked column is to be shown for each tour. In this case, available column will be hidden.

  • Show shifts: Set to Yes, if the vehicles, drivers and guides allocated to any tour are to be shown in the dashboard.

  • Show sum row: Set to Yes, if an extra row at the bottom indicating the sum of each field column is to be shown in the dashboard.

  • Show No Shows: Set to Yes, if the No Show count for any past tour is to be shown in the dashboard.

  • Only show certain shifts: By default, if Show Shifts is set to Yes, drivers, guides, driver guides are all shown in the dashboard. If only a selected shift is to be shown in the dashboard, select the corresponding position in the list. If none is selected, shifts for all the three positions are shown.

  • Show only certain departures: Select a departure group you would like to display on this dashboard

  • Show statistics from the mail system: Select 'Yes' if the statistics from the associated mail system is to be shown on the dashboard.

  • Show urgent & pax lost emails from this mailbox: Select the mailbox from which the urgent and pax lost tagged emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show unassigned emails from those mailboxes: Select one or more mailboxes from which unassigned emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show booking statistics: Select 'Yes' if the booking statistics are to be shown on the dashboard. If selected, the bottom of the dashboard shows statistics like a total number of bookings in the last one hour, 1 day, 7 days etc.

  • Show overlay for pax lost emails (requires mail statistics to be turned on): Select 'Yes' if the urgent or pax lost email information is to be overlaid on other information on the dashboard.

  • Custom message to be displayed on the dashboard: Message to be displayed on the dashboard.

  • Custom CSS rules: Custom CSS, if needed, to change the look and feel of the dashboard.


This type of dashboard is used to display web pages. The URL provided is displayed in the dashboard as it it. For example, in the following dashboard, it is redirected to a page from

  • Title: Name of the dashboard to be created.

  • Description: Description about the usage of the dashboard.

  • Is Active: Set to Yes, if the dashboard is available for use.

  • URL: URL of the web page to be displayed in the dashboard.

  • Refresh every how many seconds?: The frequency of refreshing or reloading the web page.

  • Show statistics from the mail system: Select 'Yes' if the statistics from the associated mail system is to be shown on the dashboard.

  • Show urgent & pax lost emails from this mailbox: Select the mailbox from which the urgent and pax lost tagged emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show unassigned emails from those mailboxes: Select one or more mailboxes from which unassigned emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show booking statistics: Select 'Yes' if the booking statistics are to be shown on the dashboard. If selected, the bottom of the dashboard shows statistics like a total number of bookings in the last one hour, 1 day, 7 days etc.

  • Show overlay for pax lost emails (requires mail statistics to be turned on): Select 'Yes' if the urgent or pax lost email information is to be overlaid on other information on the dashboard.

  • Custom message to be displayed on the dashboard: Message to be displayed on the dashboard.

  • Custom CSS rules: Custom CSS, if needed, to change the look and feel of the dashboard.


This type of dashboard can be configured to show the list of activities or tasks to be done by the back office people. It shows the unassigned shifts, pickup check and unanswered emails. For example,

The following fields are required to create a Tasks dashboard.

  • Title: Name of the dashboard to be created.

  • Description: Description about the usage of the dashboard.

  • Is Active: Set to Yes, if the dashboard is available for use.

  • Beginning of the date range this dashboard displays information from: The starting day from which the dashboard statistics should be shown. This is shown as a number relative to the current day. Use 0 for the present day, -1 for yesterday, 1 for tomorrow, 2 for day after tomorrow and so on.

  • End of the date range this dashboard displays information from: The ending day till which the dashboard statistics should be shown.

  • Show statistics from the mail system: Select 'Yes' if the statistics from the associated mail system is to be shown on the dashboard.

  • Show urgent & pax lost emails from this mailbox: Select the mailbox from which the urgent and pax lost tagged emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show unassigned emails from those mailboxes: Select one or more mailboxes from which unassigned emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show booking statistics: Select 'Yes' if the booking statistics are to be shown on the dashboard. If selected, the bottom of the dashboard shows statistics like a total number of bookings in the last one hour, 1 day, 7 days etc.

  • Show overlay for pax lost emails (requires mail statistics to be turned on): Select 'Yes' if the urgent or pax lost email information is to be overlaid on other information on the dashboard.

  • Custom message to be displayed on the dashboard: Message to be displayed on the dashboard.

  • Custom CSS rules: Custom CSS, if needed, to change the look and feel of the dashboard.

Unassigned Shifts

This dashboard shows the list of upcoming tours for which vehicles, drivers or guides are not allocated yet. Alongside, it also indicates the bookings already made for each of those tours and the total availability on the tour. For example,

Following fields are required to create this type of dashboard.

  • Title: Name of the dashboard to be created.

  • Description: Description about the usage of the dashboard.

  • Is Active: Description about the usage of the dashboard.

  • Beginning of the date range this dashboard displays information from: The starting day from which the dashboard statistics should be shown. This is shown as a number relative to the current day. Use 0 for the present day, -1 for yesterday, 1 for tomorrow, 2 for day after tomorrow and so on.

  • End of the date range this dashboard displays information from: The ending day till which the dashboard statistics should be shown.

  • Show statistics from the mail system: Select 'Yes' if the statistics from the associated mail system is to be shown on the dashboard.

  • Show urgent & pax lost emails from this mailbox: Select the mailbox from which the urgent and pax lost tagged emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show unassigned emails from those mailboxes: Select one or more mailboxes from which unassigned emails are to be shown, if applicable.

  • Show booking statistics: Select 'Yes' if the booking statistics are to be shown on the dashboard. If selected, the bottom of the dashboard shows statistics like a total number of bookings in the last one hour, 1 day, 7 days etc.

  • Show overlay for pax lost emails (requires mail statistics to be turned on): Select 'Yes' if the urgent or pax lost email information is to be overlaid on other information on the dashboard.

  • Custom message to be displayed on the dashboard: Message to be displayed on the dashboard.

  • Custom CSS rules: Custom CSS,if needed, to change the look and feel of the dashboard.

Pickup & Drop off

This dashboard shows the pickup and drop off vehicles and the drivers for different tours grouped by time of pickup. For example, in the following list, pickup vehicles for three different times are listed. When the driver is unassigned yet, it is shown as a question mark.

The following fields are used to create a new pickup and drop off dashboard.

Select 'Yes' if the urgent or pax lost email information is to be overlaid on other information on the dashboard.

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