A Dashboard gives graphical representation of the key information or metrics related to different tours, drivers, passengers etc.
Dashboards help you monitor different metrics in real time related to the tours and the drivers at once and is designed to help you quickly analyze the overall status at any given time.
The Paxflow dashboard designer provides various types of templates to effectively present useful information like maps, resources etc. They are easy to create and can be easily shown on a TV screen or monitor in a prominent area in the workplace.
Different types of dashboard widgets available for different kinds of information.
Highly customizable dashboards.
Easy to add and manage dashboards.
Push model to post information to the dashboards.
Easily configurable to be shown on a TV screen.
View your Dashboards
To view the existing dashboards,
Login to the Paxflow admin application.
Select Dashboards from the left hand side bar.
All the existing dashboards are listed.
Select any of the dashboards to view its details in the right pane.
The color of the dot at the top right corner of the dashboard indicates how up-to-date is the data shown in the dashboard. A Green color indicates latest data in the dashboard whereas a red color dot indicates old and stale (and unreliable) data. For example, if the server is unable to fetch information due to some network issues, the color of the dot changes to red to indicate that the information is not latest.
Add a new dashboard
To add a new dashboard, click the Add Dashboard button below the list of existing dashboards on the Manage dashboards tab.
There are 12 types of dashboards that a user can create. Select the type of dashboard and enter the details on the following page. Following table gives an overview of the different types of dashboards.
Field shifts:
Map: To show maps on the dashboard using the latitude and longitude coordinates
No Show: To display reports of passengers who did not show up for the tour
Office Shifts: To display shifts of the back office employees
Pickup & Drop Off: To display the fleet used for pickup and drop off for different tours.
Pickup progress: To display the progress of the pickup of the passengers for a tour
Resources: To display bookings, availability and shifts related information
Time Rotation:
URL: This type of dashboard is used to display web pages. The URL provided is displayed in the dashboard as it it.
Tasks: To display pending emails, unassigned shifts and pickup progress related information
Unassigned Shifts: To display tours for which vehicles, drivers or guides are unassigned.
Wash Schedule: To display the cleaning schedule of the vehicles.
For more details on the fields in different types of dashboard, refer the article on Dashboard Types.
Edit a Dashboard
To edit an existing dashboard, go to the list of dashboards under Manage Dashboards and select the dashboard to be edited. Click the green Edit button on the right panel above the dashboard. Make changes to the settings as required and click Save.
Delete a Dashboard
To delete an existing dashboard, go to the list of dashboards under Manage Dashboards and select the dashboard to be deleted. Click the Delete button on the top of the right panel.
Dashboard Preview
You can see the preview of a dashboard in a separate browser window by clicking the pop out icon for the selected dashboard.
Manage TVs
The dashboards can be displayed on different TV screens. TV dashboards draw attention to the important metrics quickly. Teams can react faster to changes in the statistics or important emails. Configure a TV screen under Manage TVs section and assign a dashboard to be displayed on the screen using the Switchboard.
Add a new TV screen
To add a new TV screen, go to Dashboard under PaxFlow Settings. Click on Manage TVs. It shows a list of existing TV screens. Click on Add TV button. Provide a name for it. When successfully added, a pin is generated for the TV to be used.
Delete a TV screen
Go to the properties of the TV screen to be deleted. Click on Delete TV button.
A switchboard is used to select the dashboards to be shown on different TV screens. You can choose to display any of the existing dashboards on the any of the TV screens. Also, you can set the zoom level for each dashboard depending on how it needs to be displayed on the TV screen. In case you would like to use different TV's on one device then you need to have different browser sessions for each TV.