PaxPortal allows the customers to manage their bookings on their own, update contact information, reschedule, send cancellation requests and more.
Logins Report
Using the PaxPortal Logins report you can see the number of daily/weekly/monthly logins by customers to the PaxPortal.
Click on Reports and PaxPortal logins.
Then you will see recent information on user logins to your customer portal. You can select a date range, or view by days/weeks/months. Below we can see it categorised by days.
Weekly reports
Here you can see a report for logins into PaxPortal by weeks, we can see four weeks displayed.
To select a specific dates/weeks/years click on the Date window and select from the drop down one of the options or add custom dates. The options are Last week, This week, Previous Month, Current Month, Previous Year and Current Year. Lets take a look at the Previous Year report:
Previous year report
And here is the login report for the previous year.
Downloading CVS.
There is an option to download total pax report in CVS format by clicking the highlighted button on the right hand side.