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Company Performance Report
PaxFlow Customer Support avatar
Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

Company Performance indicates the overall performance of the organization in terms of total number of passengers served, the number of departures successfully operated, optimum usage of the fleet etc. The reports are graphically shown as bar graphs and pie charts. To view the reports, click on the Reports drop down and select Company Performance. The reports are always shown for the past month.

There are five different types of graphs shown here.

1. Passengers:

This graph indicates the total number of passengers booked on different departures throughout the month.

The top of the graph shows the total number of passengers booked in the given month. The passengers are counted as per their status at the time of departure (Arrived or No Show). If a booking is rescheduled to another departure after being marked as No Show or due to any other reason, then the passenger is counted again in the next departure.

Note that if a passenger is No Show for a departure and is then later scheduled on another departure, then the passenger is counted twice - once as No Show and once as a Arrived passenger.

Another example could be when a passenger is marked as No Show for departure A, is then rescheduled to departure B. The passenger arrives but is unhappy and gets to go again on the next day for free, would count once as No show and twice as Arrived.

Following are the different statistics shown in this graph.:

  • Arrived: It indicates the total number of passengers which actually arrived for the tours.

  • No Show: It indicates the number of passengers which were marked as No Show during the tour.

  • Dropped Off: It indicates the passengers which were marked as having Dropped off.

  • Others: This field indicates the passengers which status did not get assigned to one of the above statuses.

The following figure shows a sample passengers graph.

2. Departures:

This graph indicates the total number of operated and cancelled departures in the given month. Please note that the departures which have been cancelled through the Northern Lights Diary are counted as neither operated nor cancelled.

3. Fleet hours:

This indicates the total number of hours the fleet was under use. All vehicle assignments are weighed by hours. Every hour that a vehicle is assigned is a fleet hour. Following picture shows a sample fleet hours graph. The graph shows the division of the total fleet hours as time spent in tours, pickup and drop-off.

4. Passenger backlog:

The passenger backlog indicates the number of passengers that have been booked before a certain date but have not yet been operated. The bar graph displays the development of the passenger backlog over the course of the month by showing the number of passengers that have been served or have been newly booked or cancelled.

Special booking situations, that don't fall into one of those categories are summed up as other. Any bookings cancelled by third party systems where the cancellations details are not available are also counted as other. The percentage shown on the top of the graph is calculated by the difference in the number of passengers to be served at the month end as compared to the number of passengers in the beginning of the month.

5. Seat hours:

Seat hours for a vehicle are calculated by multiplying the total number of seats in a tour vehicle with the total duration of the tour. This graph indicates the accumulated seat hours for all the vehicles used for different departures in the given month.

For all tour vehicle assignments, all seats are counted and multiplied by the duration of the tour, which gives seat hours. For the occupied seats, the seat hours are counted as load factor whereas seat hours corresponding to vacant seats count as available.

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