Adding booking forms to your products is a simple way to make sure all the right info is collected before a trip or service. below you can find the different ways to add booking forms, check their status, and ensure passengers complete them.
Click on "Settings" and then click on "Booking Forms"
Adding Booking Form to a Product.
You can also add the booking form to Products by clicking on the "Select Product" dropdown next to the booking form and choose the product or products you want to add it to.
A success message will appear that the booking form has been added to the product.
Adding Booking Forms from Products view.
This can also be done from Products. Click on "Products"
You can add Booking Forms from the Products overview. Click on the dropdown for "Assign booking form to products" and choose the booking form or forms you want to add to product or products.
You can search for the products you want to add the booking form to by typing the name in the search field.
Click on the checkbox for the product or products you want to add the booking form to and then make sure to click on "Save"
A success message will pop up that the booking form has been assigned to the products.
Adding Booking Forms from Product Settings.
It´s also possible to add booking forms from the Product Settings. Click on the Product code to access the product settings.
Click on "Booking Forms"
Click on the booking form you want to add to the product.
A success message will appear that the booking form has been assigned to the product. Click on the product again to unselect it from the product.
Let´s take a look at how booking forms appear on the passenger list. Click on "Departures" and click on "Daily Departures"
Viewing status of the Booking Forms in Departure lists.
In Daily Departures open the tour you want to take a look at. Under the East Coast Tour we can see that two booking forms have been added to the tour. The booking forms are highlighted red when passengers have not signed them.
When a booking form has been signed then it is highlighted green on the Daily Departures view.