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Shift management options
PaxFlow Customer Support avatar
Written by PaxFlow Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

With shift integrations which allow shift creation via API it is possible to manage departure shifts and to create shifts for pickup and drop-off assistance. These features make it easier and faster to make changes to schedules by not having to enter an external system.


Generally the timing of shifts is specified by the departure duration in the tour settings of the booking system. Additionally a certain amount of minutes can be specified to be deducted or added to this timing in General Settings or for each departure in Departure Settings.

In Shifts & Availabilities

When the table style is a combination of Departures x Days = People and roles Driver, Driver guide and Guide are enabled then the result fields become interactive so clicking on a field will open a pop-up window to manage tour departure shifts.

Clicking Add shift will unfold a drop-up menu with all roles enabled in table style settings. Selecting a role will create an unassigned shift for that role and departure.

Following information is displayed for existing shifts:


Employee name of assigned employees. In case the shift is not assigned to anyone then it will display "unassigned"


Position the shift is for

Shift start

Time of the shifts beginning. Warning will be displayed in case there is a discrepancy between the actual shift start and the calculated shift start (specified in settings)


Start time of the tour departure.


End time of the tour departure (calculated by adding the departure duration to the start time)

Shift end

Time of the shifts end. Warning will be displayed in case there is a discrepancy between the actual shift end time and the calculated shift end (specified in settings)

Selecting the blue pen button will unfold a drop-down menu with all employees from Sling to change the assigned employee (confirm with Save).

The yellow button will unassign any employee scheduled on the shift and the red bin button will delete the shift.

Create multiple shifts at a time

If only one role is selected in the table style settings then it is possible to create unassigned shifts for whole columns.

Selecting one option will create shifts in that column. Due to API restrictions do we recommend not to create many shifts at once.

In Resource Manager

When assigning employees to vehicles then employees with existing shifts for a departure will be displayed on top of the drop-down with the timing of the shift. Only available and permitted employees can be selected from the drop-down menu.

If an employee is selected which is not scheduled on a shift yet then a shift will be created. This can only be done for the roles Driver and Guide. Scheduled Driver guides will automatically appear in both fields after selection.

Repeating assignments

When creating a repeating assignment for vehicles and select staff members without a shift then shifts will be created for them for all activities if they are not scheduled on conflicting shifts already.

Pickup and Drop-off assistance

Shifts for Pickup and Drop-off assistance can only be managed in the Resource Manager. The timing of an assignment is also the timing of shifts to be created for an assignment.

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